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College Scholarships - Do's and Don'ts

A Few Do And Don’t Strategies for Scholarship Application Procedures


 Confirm when is the best time for you to apply for free money for college. Some only allow applications. Once you have been accepted, the basic rule otherwise is the sooner the better, not waiting until the deadlines or being last in line, or rather making the most of the first come, first serve principle.
 Even if you haven’t, or even once you have decided on your course, location and duration of your study, there is NO TIME LIKE THE PRESENT FOR YOU TO APPLY FOR SCHOLARSHIPS! So get started right away if you haven’t as yet.
 Try to make sure that you study and read all the information which is provided and available on individual scholarships. Try to pay close attention to details, eligibility, criteria as well as other requirements, or even documentation that might have to be included in your application package and process.
 Try to apply for ones for which you are eligible and don’t waste your time and effort on ones which are irrelevant. That having been said, try to apply for as many appropriate and relevant ones you possibly can in order to maximize your rewards.
 Always attach the relevant papers only and keep your supporting documents to a strict minimum. The quantity of documents that you send won’t give you any edge or any advantage. Send JUST WHAT IS REQUIRED and not any more.
Always be brief, concise and most precise in your expression and packages that you submit. For international or foreign students: It is strongly recommended to always attach translations where supporting documents are in any other language but English.
 Try to match the scholarships to you need and be patient and persistent, diligent and follow-up (even with a thank you once you have received confirmation of your selection for a nice touch).

You've real all the Do's, now click the next page for all the College Scholarship Don'ts