Negotiation Skills – It Is A Process And True Skill-Set That Requires All Your Attention And Mastery.
You need to sell and position your competitive edge in
this race in order to optimize your chances of finding and securing the free money for college and
tuition-funding package that is proper for you. Scholarships do not have to be repaid and
that is only one part of the reason they are so popular, in high demand and also quite competitive.
It is also quite
important for you to
mention that there are
several scholarships
that focus and target
high performers or
those who have special
talents. This is by no
means a ‘free ride’ or
a meal-ticket, but some
of these choice
scholarships are often
properly tailored for
students with special qualifications such as academic excellence and performance, athletic
ability, skill and mastery, leadership which is demonstrable potential or even some artistic talents.
The majority of any form of advice that you will receive will have
to do with which school you plan to attend. Quite often, they would
have a department or dedicated spot on their
website that will guide you to the listings of
all the available scholarships, awards, bursaries, etc. It is always a good point to
start off with, past your school guidance
counselor and the library! You could also
take a more pro-active approach and actually
lift the phone and ask representatives
regarding availability and how you should exactly apply.
Minimum grade averages and even special nominations, or other eligibility criteria will need to be clarified and confirmed, even before you begin your application process. Make sure you select and apply for those you qualify ‘with flying colors’ so to speak first and then some, if not all of the others you deem relevant and where you stand a more reasonable chance.
It is of the highest importance that you try to figure out for yourself what your credentials and goals are and then try to find your voice in your scholarship application essay – this is truly your one and only possibility for you to shine and outperform.
A great tip and advantage to give you, is to try to apply for smaller scholarships. These small awards can add up very fast. They could just as easily function as stepping stones, to broaden scholarships or financial aid packages.
Try to always remember to apply even if you think you don’t qualify – you never know! The fact is that the more scholarships you apply for, the better your chances will be of getting a few, for sure!
Keep reading your college scholarship guide, next page is College Scholarship Results