College scholarships, grants, merit awards and even low-interest study loans or other options for financing all have one thing in common, they are focused on you in person, your college education, your tuition, costs, prospective career and how you plan on attain it in the future.
You are in the spotlight and under the magnifying glass when you choose to submit an application for college and scholarships to pay for it. Meeting your monetary and financial needs will be very important in this process too. This is a crucial, busy and somewhat stressful time, making decisions about post-secondary plans that comprise education, careers and vocations. These decisions will also have an effect on the rest of your life. Applying for scholarships will be an essential and crucial step and interwoven part not to be underestimated or underutilized. It could make the difference for all your life.
There are several online databases of scholarships, bursaries and awards. There are local businesses who might consider sponsoring a student depending on your line of study, their funds available and interest in pursuing the free money for college.
Ordering transcripts will be important and done for you by the school, make sure that you have them well in hand as they are always needed as supporting documentation to include in your scholarship application packages.
If you are looking for things to say about yourself in your essay or recommendation letters, you should try to focus on things that will let you stand out, such as:
► Preserve your honor roll standing and academic achievements, and highlights.
► Demonstrated leadership qualities and abilities.
► Incidents where you showed instances of exceptional citizenship.
► Cases where you showed strong public speaking skills.
► Any involvement in extracurricular endeavors.
► A good representative of your class/grade, student interest and/or certain causes.
► Also why you are a candidate who deserves it the most and how you would be able to contribute and make a difference with this award.
► What you see as your recipient role of this scholarship and prospective student.
► What qualities, achievements, accomplishments and goals set you apart and make you specific.
► How your “journey” up to this point has influenced you (your experiences with fellow classmates, your recollections, life lessons…)
► How you foresee the road before you.
Your first and only chance to grab interest, impress and introduce yourself is by presenting yourself to the selection committee or relevant individual(s) on paper. Trying to make the most of this opportunity is very important.
More tips on how to improve your college scholarship application essay: College Scholarship Personal Section 2